Middletown Democratic Party
The Official Democratic Organization of Middletown Township
Langhorne PA 19047
Helene Ratner, Chairperson
E-mail: middletowndems1@gmail.com
Website: MiddletownDemocraticParty.org
Middletown Township
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Meeting Location:
Middletown Municipal Building:
3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA
Middletown Democratic Party
Telephone: 215-801-2128
E-mail: middletowndems1@gmail.com
Website: MiddletownDemocraticParty.org
MDP - The Official Democratic Organization of Middletown Township, Bucks County, PA
Middletown Democratic Party
The next MDP meeting will be Thursday, September 12th, at 6:30pm on the second floor of the Middletown Township Municipal Building. We especially welcome potential new members. If you have any questions about the meeting, please email Chairperson Helene Ratner at helkos@msn.com.